On the 29th and 30th of March partners of the DASS project (code: 2021-2-FR02-KA220 YOU-000048187) met in Thessaloniki, Greece, hosted by the partner Smart Umbrella in its facilities. The project is cofounded by the European Union and after a full year of intense work, in which the consortium produced and tested the online modules to empower youth dealing with stress, partners meet for the third time after a fruitful and emotionally intense training to discuss the next steps and finalize the work done until now.

During the first day, the Italian partner CEIPES presented the first editing of the video tutorials on dance activities recorded during the LTTA led by the art therapy specialist from Essevesse. The final video that will be part of the DASS Booklet will be available from June on the YouTube channel of the coordinator.

On the second day, partners started planning their work on the APP Mind yourself. An empowering tool addressed to young people that will have information and tips on mental health and healthy lifestyle, creative exercise, audio-guided meditation, and video tutorials to improve dance and movement exercises to cope with stress. The app thanks to its graphic design will further engage more young people to go deep into their pathway to a balanced life.

To keep updated on the progress of the consortium work follow the social media and read the website!