30 April marks the end of the DASS – Dance Against Stressful Situation project, co-funded under the Erasmus plus programme and coordinated by the French choreography and art therapy company, Essevesse.

The two-year project, which started in April 2022, is coming to an end but marked an escalation of important results and high-quality final products. The different expertise of the partners meant that each contributed decisively to each of the final results. But what really made the difference was the environment of deep cooperation and esteem between the partners.

And like a dance step, the consortium is now approaching the end of the project but with the ambition to continue its journey, adapting the methodology developed to other targets.

Indeed, at the last meeting held in Marseille, the partners did not bid each other farewell but planned together how to ensure the sustainability of DASS even after its end. 

Partners also drew up a post-project dissemination plan, continuing to share project results and themes with a wide audience. Indeed, we estimate an increase in views of YouTube video tutorials and downloads of results such as the MindYourself Booklet and APP.

In thanking our audience once again for following us so far, we invite readers to continue to follow us on the project’s social channels to stay up to date on new DASS developments.