In January, CEIPES ETS tested the prototype version of the Mind-yourself app, the final result of the DASS project.

More than 40 Italian young people had access to the prototype in the Android version of the Mind yourself app. With an initial session in which facilitators introduced the young people to the project and its themes, the young users had the opportunity to learn how to use the app and interact with its little mascot that guides them along the path to a healthier lifestyle, facing stress.

The young people were given two weeks to test the 3 different sections of the app, exploring the information section, engaging in art therapy exercises, following the video tutorials on movement and feelings, and listening to audio-guided meditations focusing on body awareness and emotions.  

After two weeks, the young users were invited to fill in a feedback form to suggest improvements and indicate what does not work or should be changed in the app. The feedback received from the CEIPES ETS is very positive and the suggested improvements concern visual aspects to make the use faster and more intuitive. 

In the coming weeks, based on the feedback also received from the other partners, the Italian developer will make the final changes to release the app in both Android and iOS versions. Soon, in fact, the Mind Yourself app will be available for all young Europeans who want to learn new techniques to deal with stress and express their feelings through the arts. 

To stay updated and download the app, follow the DASS project channels on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok !