Prova l’APP mobile MindYourself

Prova l’APP mobile MindYourself

Il consorzio DASS è orgoglioso di condividere finalmente con i giovani di tutta Europa l’ultimo risultato del progetto: L’applicazione mobile “Mind Yourself”. L’applicazione è stata sviluppata dallo sviluppatore italiano di applicazioni...
Dance and Arts to face youth stress

Dance and Arts to face youth stress

These days CEIPES, the italian partner of the DASS project (2021-2-FR02-KA220 YOU-000048187), is holding its local online training to empower young people through dance and others forms of arts. The educational path is composed of an introduction meeting and five...
Ready to dance? Dance out the stress

Ready to dance? Dance out the stress

Does it ring any bells? Humanity is facing one the hardest times of all, where pandemics and wars are affecting our lives permanently. DASS project (2021-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000048187) aims to tackle the contemporary obstacles and challenges that are cause of stress,...