This month the Italian partner CEIPES as a member of the DASS project (code:2021-2-FR02-KA220 YOU-000048187), has concluded its educational and empowering path online modules.

A group of more than 10 young people, aged between 16 and 18 years old, interested in the arts field and coming from a disadvantaged neighbourhood near Palermo, has attended the whole path of 6 meetings along which they were involved in training, applying dance, movement and other artistic disciplines methodologies associated with traumatic experiences they have lived.

Young people were strongly motivated to attend the training based on non-formal education, dance and movement methodologies, and artistic expressions. Each module held was focused on a different artistic methodology to express themselves and their emotions. In the end, in fact, they were able to develop their own creative way to respond to traumatic consequences, like the pandemic, and empower themselves.

The video recorded during each session will be soon available on the DASS project TikTok profile to inspire other young people Europe-wide.

Even if the educational online path has ended, interested young people will be involved in the second phase of the project with the testing of the mobile app of the DASS project “Mind yourself”. 

To know more about the project and keep updated on the next steps of DASS, follow our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok pages.