Does it ring any bells? Humanity is facing one the hardest times of all, where pandemics and wars are affecting our lives permanently. DASS project (2021-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000048187) aims to tackle the contemporary obstacles and challenges that are cause of stress, anxiety, and helplessness, through art and dance techniques and methods. Therefrom, during the 2nd meeting held in Vilnius, the consortium checked the progress of the estimated project outcomes and the further activities planning. Furthermore, the coordinator Cie Essevesse (France) and other 4 partners – CEIPES (Italy), Smart Umbrella (Greece), Diversity HUB (Poland), and Active Youth (Lithuania) – discussed about the online modules implementation, crucial for the user feedback analysis. Afterwards, this process will help tailoring the booklet for youth workers, and designing the material for the mindfulness app, the last project result that focuses on the final user benefit.

The last day was dedicated to the training plan that will have place in Palermo at CEIPES offices. All partners will be involved as participants at first, with Cie Essevesse experts guiding the training activities with the purpose of preparing us to become trainers in the first place. Touching with hand what learnt in theory will help the reaching the most effective implementation of the next phases. A final update on the dissemination activities was presented by CEIPES to check the online status of the channels and give indications to the partners.

Don’t forget to follow the project updates on the FacebookInstagram and Tik Tok page!