On the 9th and 10th of May was held the first transnational meeting of the DASS project, in Marseille, France.

DASS – Dance Against Stressful Situation [2021-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000048187], is a project that aims to use dance and other forms of arts as empowerment tools for young people to cope with situations of stress and anxiety due to traumatic events.

The cooperation partnership is composed of a Coordinator Cie Essevesse (France) and other 4 partners: CEIPES (Italy), Smart Umbrella (Greece), Diversity HUB (Poland), and Active Youth (Lithuania) that has different experiences and competencies in the fields of non-formal education and the use of art as a valuable educational tool.

During the meeting, the partners discussed the main issues of the project and on the last day, they have experienced a dance session led by the two arts therapist Fabio Dolce and Antonino Ceresia from Cie Essevesse, to better understand how dance can help young people in coping with stress and anxiety and empower them.

If you want to know more about the evolution of the project, follow our social accounts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok